Kenneth J. Allen
Ken was a government lawyer for 31 years and is now a corporate counsel and private educator. During his government service he was a legal advisor on fiscal law for the Defense Business Management University, where he helped develop the first fiscal law training syllabus for DFAS and he was the featured speaker on fiscal subjects at American Society of Military Comptroller national Professional Development Institute, and several ASMC regional PDIs.
During his last ten years in the federal government (1997-2007), Ken was triple tasked as the Command Counsel for Programs, Acquisition, and Litigation for the U.S. Medical Research and Materiel Command, Ft. Detrick MD; as Counsel to the Department of Defense's programs for biological, chemical, and medical defensive measures, and as a Special Assistant United States Attorney for procurement fraud. In these assignments he worked extensively in research grants and cooperative agreements and with other non-procurement forms of federal-private contractual relationships, as well as with traditional government procurement contracts. Since 2006 he has been an adjunct professor to the Naval Postgraduate School, for whom he has taught at its Monterey, CA campus and overseas, and authored and edited publications on defense acquisition.
Ken is an instructor for several Federal Publications Seminars, and has authored over 40 training manuals and courses on subjects such as federal grants, government contract law, federal appropriations and fiscal law, trial advocacy, leadership and management, foreign military sales, and the interpretation of government contracts.
Ken is a graduate of the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville, the resident Army JAG School basic and advanced courses, Army Command and General Staff College, Army Management Staff College, National Defense University, and the Army War College.