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Live Webinars
Mar 25, 2025
12-1 PM EDT
The FPS Federal GovCon Quarterly Brief - Q1 2025
Executive orders, new regulations, class deviations, statutes, protests, and litigation all ensure that the compliance landscape for government contracts is always evolving at a breakneck pace. These changes can be difficult to track, but Federal Publication Seminars' Quarterly Update gathers the most significant changes and distills them for government contracting professionals. That usually (but not always) includes updates to:  Cybersecurity requirements  Changes to labor regulations and enforcement  Domestic preferences; and  Small business regulations Each session will be jammed packed with the latest information and is a valuable tool in staying up to date in an ever-changing environment.
Live Webinars
Mar 26, 2025
12-1 PM EDT
Preparing for the Future - Breach and AI - Session 4 - Fundamentals of Cybersecurity and Regulatory Updates Series 2025
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity and Regulatory Updates Webinar Series 2025
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity and Regulatory Updates Series - Session 4: Preparing for the Future: Breach and AI In this session, we will help contractors navigate the Government's current and future areas of focus in cybersecurity: managing breach and the use of artificial intelligence. We will introduce some of the best practices to implement the cybersecurity requirements in Government contracts, and to assemble an incident response plan to manage breaches if and when they occur. We will conclude the series by talking about AI in the Federal Government, including recent executive orders under the current administration and their effect on the Government's procurement of AI. Learning Objectives: By the end of this session, students will understand how to approach their incident response strategy, and the best practices when experiencing a breach. Students will also be prepared for the future of cybersecurity requirements, and aware of the unique challenges that accompany the procurement and use of AI.
Live Webinars
Mar 27, 2025
11:00 AM-12:30 PM EDT
DoD Post-Award Considerations - I Have a Contract, Now What? - Session 3 - Doing Business with the DoD Series 2025
Doing Business with the DoD Webinar Series - 2025
In this session we will address "Just what happens after you get a DoD contract?" We will start by understanding just how important "past performance" is in getting subsequent contracts. The DoD Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) is a critical component of the DoD's new emphasis on past performance and in scope is enormous. One thing is certain, your new contract will most certainly change over time and you need to understand just what can change and what your entitlements are to a change. Knowing how delays affect your contract as well as how the DoD will oversee your performance. You may or may not be aware the DoD can terminate your contract whenever they desire (which stipulations of course) Learning Objectives: These processes and entitlement will be explored. When you fail to perform the DoD can terminate your contract and hold you accountable. Understanding your rights and actions can help alleviate those troubling times.
Live Webinars
Mar 28, 2025
12:30-2:00 PM EDT
What Program Impacts Can We Expect From Trump Administration Executive Orders, `Pauses,' and Agency Directives
Join CohnReznick's multi-disciplined, experienced compliance and audit team accompanied by a leader in the federal contracting legal community as they share insights on the latest federal executive orders and policy changes that are significantly impacting the federal contracting and assistance-receiver community. The panel will also discuss best practices for minimizing risk and maximizing cost recovery in case of a work suspension or termination. Designed for executives and professionals in accounting, finance, legal, HR, project management, and compliance at federal contracting firms and organizations receiving federal assistance, the panel will discuss:  Trump Administration Executive Orders since January 2025  Significant OMB and other large federal agency guidance related to acquisitions and federal assistance (including grants)  Impacts to small business programs  Best practices related to preparing for a suspension, stop-work order, delay, and partial/full termination
Why Choose FPS?
  • Top Quality
    Federal Publications Seminars instructors are nationally recognized specialists in government contracting. They are not only experts in their subject areas, but are proven educators – able to communicate the material in terms you can effectively relate to your individual government contracting...
  • Private,
    FPSCustom training is developed for you and delivered to you. You choose the time and place that’s most convenient. You also choose the platform: in a classroom setting; live/online; on-demand/online; or blended (classroom plus FPSOnline Subscription). Courses will be tailored specifi...
  • Accreditation
    We take the work out of accreditation and do it for you! Certificates of completion will be provided to all seminar participants who attended Federal Publications Seminars courses and seminars following the event upon request. All FPSCustom courses are accredited for CLE (Continuing Legal Education)...
  • Breadth &
    Depth of
    Choose from any of the hundreds of unique FPS courses from the past or currently offered to the public – OR we will create a new course based on the needs of your company, agency or department. We can also provide live webinars or on-demand, online courses. FPSCustom provides robust, practical...
  • Scalable
    FPS will design high quality training courses designed to reach audiences of any size. There is no minimum number of participants required. Your team will build essential skills and competencies in an efficient manner. FPSCustom gives you the flexibility to build in your own internal requirements in...
  • Cost Effective
    Your organization will eliminate travel costs, hotel expenses, per diem and lost productivity. Well-trained employees who know and understand the ever-changing rules and regulations in government contracting can save your organization thousands of dollars each year.
Hear What Customers Are Saying
  • I liked how the instructor could relate stories from experience to the topics he discussed. It helped with the clarification of the material he presented. He is very good at "teaching." I would recommend this class.
    —Jill, Senior Contract Manager
  • The instructor was phenomenal. Great instruction amplified by relevant and varied experience, and he was engaging. Would definitely like to take a course with FPS again.
    —Hope, Director of Contracts
  • Federal Publications offerings are some of the best I have ever attended. I attended my first in DC, the Basics of Government Contracting, back in the early 1990s. Fond memories!
    —Amy, Director of Contracts