Indirect Costs - Session 6 - Procurement University 2025

Procurement University - 2025
Indirect Costs refer to the cost associated with running the business and supporting direct projects, but cannot themselves be defined as direct costs (e.g. finance, legal, facilities, IT, fringe benefits). The Federal Government allows for reimbursement of these costs and contractors have flexibility in how their indirect costs are structured and applied to direct contract costs. Throughout the contract life cycle and fiscal year, there are several types of indirect rate calculations used. In this program, you will learn about indirect rate structures, the Forward Pricing Rate Proposal (FPRP), DCAA's FPRP Checklist, billing rates and the final indirect cost rate proposal process.
Learning Objectives: By the end of the webinar you should be able to:
Differentiate between direct and indirect costs using real examples;
Define two-tier and three-tier rate structures;
Identify three types of G&A allocation bases;
Understand the Forward Pricing Rate Agreement process; and
Determine when an Incurred Cost Proposal (ICS) is appropriate and how it is utilized.