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1 hr, 30 mins
This is session 6 of 9 in the Procurement University webinar series.

Indirect Costs refer to the cost associated with running the business and supporting direct projects, but cannot themselves be defined as direct costs (e.g. finance, legal, facilities, IT, fringe benefits). The Federal Government allows for reimbursement of these costs and contractors have flexibility in how their indirect costs are structured and applied to direct contract costs. Throughout the contract life cycle and fiscal year, there are several types of indirect rate calculations used.  In this program, you will learn about indirect rate structures, the Forward Pricing Rate Proposal (FPRP), DCAA’s FPRP Checklist, billing rates and the final indirect cost rate proposal process.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the webinar you should be able to:
  • Differentiate between direct and indirect costs using real examples;
  • Define two-tier and three-tier rate structures;
  • Identify three types of G&A allocation bases;
  • Understand the Forward Pricing Rate Agreement process; and
  • Determine when an Incurred Cost Proposal (ICS) is appropriate and how it is utilized. 

About Our Experts
  • Eric Hayman
    Director, Capital Edge Consulting
    Eric Hayman has over 15 years of experience providing professional support to government contractors and government agencies in the areas of compliance, accounting and training. He specializes in the Federal Acquisitions Regulations, Cost Accounting Standards, Government Audits and Contract’s Finance Management. He has worked closely with Chief Financial Officers, Controllers, Vice Presidents, and General Counsels among others, and brings experience from a wide range of engagements.

    Eric has provided Government Contracting Services to a wide range of Industries, including Aerospace and Defense, Pharmaceuticals and Biotech Sectors, Manufacturing and Professional Services. His clients range from small start-ups to large, publicly-held, multi-national organizations.
    B.A. Accounting and Business Administration
    Eric graduated from Flagler College, Magna Cum, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in both Accounting & Business Administration.
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