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1 hour
This is session 1 of 3 in the FPS Intellectual Property Series.

The "data rights" clauses in the FAR and DFARS are some of the longest and least understood contract provisions. But if one steps back from the length of the data rights clauses and instead views them with some very simple, common-sense concepts in mind, the clauses become surprisingly easy to understand and to apply.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this webinar, you should be able to:  
  • understand the basic principles of rights in technical data and the common misunderstandings about who owns the rights in the data;
  • determine whether the data rights clauses require delivery;
  • when development occurs- better understand-what is private expense; who gets rights in government-funded modifications, how to alert the government to your rights and to correctly mark your data; 
  • understand how to keep your engineers from inadvertently giving up your data rights.

About Our Experts
  • W. Jay DeVecchio
    Litigator, former Co-Chair of Government Contracts & Public Procurement, Morrison & Foerster
    W. Jay DeVecchio is a litigator and former Co-Chair of Morrison & Foerster’s Government Contracts and Public Procurement practice. Clients from the aerospace, technology, and health care sectors seek his representation in all facets of government procurement law, from bid protests to complex claims and disputes through suspension and debarment. He also represents clients in related issues such as criminal and civil fraud, qui tam actions, and internal investigations

    Jay’s litigation successes include defeating a major qui tam action in a jury trial, prevailing in one of the largest defective pricing appeals tried to date, enjoining the Department of Defense for an improper debarment, winning the leading case on latent defects in government contracts, and achieving victory in the Eleventh Circuit's decision on false claims immunity for Medicare contractors.

    He has been a guest instructor at the University of Virginia and the George Washington University Law School Government Contracts Program, and the American University Washington College of Law. Jay also conducts seminars on diverse subjects including claims, disputes, terminations, and data rights.
    Duke University
    (B.A., 1974, cum laude)
    The Catholic University School of Law
    (J.D., 1978)


    Chambers USA [2005 – 2022]

    Who’s Who Legal [2015]
    Public Procurement

    The Washingtonian Magazine Top Lawyer [2009-2022]

    The Washington Business Journal [2008]
    A Top Washington Lawyer in Government Contracts

    Washington DC Super Lawyers [2013-2015]
    Government Contracts
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