I. Introduction (1 hour)
a. Who is Attending this Course?
i. Define roles who negotiate
ii. Quantify #s through quick hand-raising exercises
iii. Matt provides background/skills/experience
b. What are your Objectives Today?
i. Present key Objectives
ii. Quantify #s through quick hand-raising exercises
iii. Present specific Objectives via Slide Deck
c. When do you negotiate?
i. Teaming Agreements
ii. Subcontract Agreements
iii. New/Contingent Hires
iv. Contracts
v. Others?
d. Why?
i. Getting painted into a corner.
ii. Performance Risk
iii. Profit Risk
iv. Setting the Bar
v. Reputation
e. Where
i. Doesn’t REALLY apply – just had to check the box!
f. How
i. That’s next!
II. Negotiation Defined (2 hours with break)
a. What are the basic concepts of negotiation?
b. What can be Negotiated?
c. Approaches to Negotiation
d. Key Steps in Every Negotiation
i. Planning
1. Defining Objectives
2. Focus on Objectives not Positions
3. Identifying You Approach
4. Identifying your BATNA
5. Role-Playing
ii. Define the Engagement
iii. Presenting AND Listening
iv. Arguing (yes, Arguing!)
v. Document
vi. Conclude (Until the Next Time!)
e. Negotiation Traps
f. Evaluating if this was a Win-Win
g. Evaluating the Approach and Results for Improvement.
III. During Negotiations (1 Hour)
a. Agreeing to the Approach
i. Define Criteria for Measurement
b. Presenting Objectives
c. Presenting and Listening to Options
i. Verbal Clues
ii. Non-Verbal Clues
iii. Signal
d. Break from Negotiations
e. Identify Areas of Agreement
f. Work to Resolve Critical Areas of Disagreement
i. Ideally Achieved
ii. Measure Against BATNA
g. Document the Agreement
h. Execute the Agreement
IV. Specific Situations in Government Contracting (2 Hours)
a. Negotiating a Teaming Agreement
i. Prime vs Sub
ii. Timing
iii. Gotcha’s
iv. Successful Agreements
b. Negotiating a Subcontract Agreement
i. Relation to Teaming Agreements
ii. Differences from the Teaming Agreement Negotiation
iii. Risks in Performance
iv. Conflict Resolution Terms
c. Negotiating Contingent Hires
i. When?
ii. What to Negotiate Now?
iii. What to Provide During Submission?
d. Negotiating Contracts upon Award
i. What is negotiable?
ii. What is the timing?
iii. What if Agreement isn’t reached?
V. Open Discussion/Questions (Remaining time)