Unless specified otherwise, each day of this Virtual Course will include a lunch break from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET. The foundation of government contracting is contract administration. Without effective, solid administration, any type of government contract whether for a product or a service - large or small - can face enormous hurdles, problems, claims, and disputes. As participants will find, this workshop takes on the substantive issues of contract administration directly and aggressively. Each day of the virtual workshop will deal with specific, concrete administration problem areas. These areas will be illuminated, dissected, sharply analyzed and resolved -- through discussions, lectures, and problem-solving exercises. Keeping with the advanced nature of this program, you will also learn proven techniques for avoiding disputes. Strategies to use, when disputes do arise, will be covered also. In short, all of the elements have been carefully selected and crafted to give you the most practical, advanced program on contract administration possible. By the end of the course, you will be able to use these tools to identify practical, legal, equitable and ethical solutions to problems you are sure to face in contract administration. Who should attend: Owners, vice presidents, directors, managers and contract administrators with years of experience in managing federal government contracts. Federal Government Contacting Officers, COTRs, CORs and other procurement specialists wanting more and in-depth training on administration.
Prerequisite: Should have at least 3 years of experience in contract administration. Previous courses in Basics, Federal Acquisition Regulations, or other entry and mid-level courses on managing and administration of government contracts are encouraged first. Learning Objectives: After course completion you will be able to: